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When the American Indians mix with the so-called mainstream population by speaking English, entering mixed marriages, and moving from the rural to urban areas, they lose ties making use of their roots and tradition (“Native Americans – Past”). In the twenty-first century, nearly two-thirds of all Indians reside in the urban areas, losing contact with their reservations, with family and land, which are crucial for the preservation and reinforcement of the native culture (“Revitalizing Native Cultures”). When deprived of the tribal environment and natural living conditions, the tradition fades. Since the assimilated Indians are rarely the bearers of the cultural heritage, there is an imminent danger for the indigenous Native American legacy to be lost forever. “The future of Native People in the us is precarious. With much of their cultural heritage destroyed forever, many have completely abandoned their historical roots and also have assimilated completely into American society” (“Native Americans – Past”). In this respect, it would be important to assess and address the Indians through the lens of each of the present pressures.

Population and Identity

One of the biggest issues for the contemporary Indians is their quantity. People are the transmitters of the national heritage and keepers of the national tradition. When population fades, it de-facto threatens with the cultural losses and the fade of the culture per se. Moreover, the majority of the Indian heritage is oral which presupposes the vital importance of humans because the carriers of knowledge through generations, from the ancestors to descendants. Unfortunately, there was scarce written legacy of the Indian culture, and also the oral record was lost during the implementation of the aggressive anti-Indian policies of the previous centuries (“Native Americans – Past”). The censuses of the last half a century show an unsettling trend for the Indian population decline. In 2000, Canada’s dominion government officially recognized six hundred indigenous tribes, and also the U.S. government counted about 560 more on its territory. Sporadic attempts of other groups to testify their identity and win official recognition enlarged the list with adding few more, however many, tribes to the total number (Luebering 218). The 2000 Census listed 4.1 million people who identified themselves because the American Indians and/or Alaska to restate a thesis This number comprises both unmixed and mixed-race individuals (The Harvard Project 13). Evidently, the human resources associated with Native People in the us are scarce, although, they manage to preserve whatever legacy they are able to in the national consciousness, memory, practices, and rituals.

Self-Administration vs. Mainstream Governmental Policies

Another issue is the necessity for the Indians to balance on the edge of self-administration and mainstream government’s policies. The tribes have recently begun asserting the political sovereignty. The period in the newest Native American history is known as the self-determination era. It offers begun about four decades ago and lasted up until nowadays. The tribes are in a constant search for effective strategies and models with regards to their tribal governments, courts, and other administrative bodies. They continuously reform their governance bodies and constitutions in order to meet the current tribal needs, interests, and goals in socioeconomic, political, cultural, and environmental realms. The relative freedom provided to the Native People in the us by self-governance allows them to keep up sovereignty, efficiently distribute and use resources, and carry on their cultural traditions (The Harvard Project). Nonetheless, the determinant word in such self-governance is relative.

In spite of the positive shifts, the Native People in the us of the twenty-first century experience the ongoing crisis of both ethnic and political identity. On the one hand, they need and pursue cultural, economic, and political sovereignty as the means of preserving their uniqueness. Indeed, a certain degree of intended isolation, community self-governance, and ethnocentrism is a justified and effective tool for preserving the national heritage and functioning within the national identity. On the other hand, the Indians need to comply with the U.S. and/or Canadian administration as well as its geopolitics. As a result, the question of who or what bears the ultimate authority within the tribes has no clear answer. The contemporary Native Americans reside in duality: they’ve been naturalized citizens because of the U.S. constitutional rights, in addition to they are individuals within their marginal, enclosed, and self-centered groups trying to preserve their original identity. Therefore, the Indians live under the pressure of the political uncertainty that makes their contemporary life problematic to a good extent (Luebering; “Native Americans – Past”).

Intertribal Cooperation

A positive trend in self-governance exists at the level of the tribe-to-tribe relations. Currently, the separate tribes actively establish the inter-tribal links and unite in the interests of the whole Native American nation. Put simply, once scattered tribes now build the net of interrelationships, thus, unifying the effort in the preservation of the national legacy and building a better future. They create the intertribal organizations and organize meetings in order to ensure collective participation and two-sided communication in solving mundane, in addition to global issues pertaining to the nation’s well-being.

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The brightest example of the inter-tribal cooperation is the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), the largest and oldest organization encompassing the effort of its 250 member governments. Another example of an administrative body has a cultural edge to it. In 1993, the San Carlos Apache Tribal Council organized the San Carlos Elders Cultural Advisory Council (ECAC) consisting of the elders from the nation’s four districts. The Tribal Council empowered ECAC to give advice on the cultural issues, consult with the off-reservation entities, including the state and federal agencies, on the culture-related subjects, and implement the projects pertaining to the cultural preservation. Being the bearers of the tribal knowledge, the elders are ideal candidates for the aforementioned activities. Being empowered by the formal administrative body, they obtain a factual right and opportunity to do so. “The ECAC gave traditional Apache perspectives an institutionalized and formal voice that politicians could not ignore” (The Harvard Project 43). Therefore, the Apache culture received both its voice and administrative power. Sadly, such inter-tribal unions are not at all times multi-membered or impossible at all.

Apart from the territorial diversity, there was one more crucial factor that complicates the tribal interaction – divergence of interests. In theory, the Native People in the us are open to dialogue and coordination of efforts, but in practice, separate tribes are the enclosed entities that have their view on the course of the further development. Sometimes, consensus is impossible because of the insurmountable differences in the perspectives, priorities, goals, and advised means of reaching them.account essay example Fortunately, with regards to common agendas, including the issue of the national identity or expansion of the sphere of influence, the tribes cooperate and achieve the better results when united (The Harvard Project).

Native Lands

In the twenty-first century, the Native Americans face one more challenge which includes to do with the native lands. “For Native American cultures, land is a hallmark of identity, a barometer of community integrity, and a resource for ongoing cultural and socioeconomic recovery” (The Harvard Project 97). Just as many of the current problems of the Indian Country, the land issue is rooted in the past centuries of discriminative practices and policies. Most territories that were once populated and controlled by the Indians were later confiscated by the settlers and therefore are now inhabited by the descendants of the colonists and other nations that immigrated to the territories of Americas during the course of the last centuries. The geographical areas traditionally populated and used by the Native People in the us have been dramatically reduced by the non-Indian settlers and federal policy. The territorial loss resulted in the severe economic and spiritual damage to the Natives, from which they are still recovering. Spiritually, a land is a cradle of each tribe containing its historical artifacts and wisdom. Economically, the problem is twofold. In addition to the tribes and nations’ fragmentation caused by the newcomers and subsequent land redistribution, the Indians suffered from moving to the lands with scarce natural resources and low agricultural value.

The process of acclimatization and accustoming appeared as if extremely exhausting and devastating both physically and morally. Nowadays, the Native American areas with high population density lie within the borders of the federally designated reservations. Hawaii and Alaska are the only two American states that have not implemented a policy restricting the habitation areas to the confines of reservations (“Native Americans – Past”; The Harvard Project). The federal government associated with the US has provided about 56 million acres of land in trust to the Native People in the us. Additionally, the Alaska Native corporations have 44 million acres in control. Today, the tribes are reclaiming the lands that originally were theirs. Nonetheless, even the land use and acquisition is burdensome and problematic as a result of existing federal policies and jurisdictional peculiarities. To address these issues, the Native People in the us have established the intertribal organizations, including the Indian Land Working Group and also the Indian Land Tenure Foundation, and apply innovative land-use planning and purchase strategies (The Harvard Project 106). In this manner, the economic and spiritual sustenance is gradually returning to the Native American peoples.

Natural Resources as an Asset

For the Native People in the us, the natural resources are the means of both economic and cultural survival, a secured asset treasured and passed through generations. The natural resources are tied to the territories. Respectively, the issue of natural resources accessibility to the Indians is an issue tied with the territorial problem. The available territories provide Indians with the water, timber and non-timber forest products, grazing lands, fish, in addition to oil, coal, gas, and hard rock minerals. Very often, the tribes lack the capital or management capacity to work with and benefit even from the accessible resources on their lands. In this regard, the tribes implement an approach that comprises minimum financial effort with the major economic and environmental benefit. Inter alia, the Indians develop the efficient water, forestry, and agriculture projects that allow them to exist in appliance making use of their cultural values and economic pressures. Indeed, the Indians display the vitally important and globally applicable models of managing natural resources in the eco-friendly and economically viable ways (The Harvard Project).

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After a thorough analysis, it becomes clear that the Indians often discard some resources, such as oil and coal, in favor of others, such as water and land, not merely because of financial or technological incapability. The Native Americans value the renewable natural resources while consciously rejecting the destructive practices, such as coal mining or other modes of depletion of non-renewable resources of the planet. Let me reveal an extract from the speech of state forester Arthur “Butch” Blazer, a Mescalero Apache:

[…] the most effective managers of tribal natural resources are individuals that grew up on that land – the Indians! For centuries, the respectful understanding of our mother Earth was captured in many ways […] These teachings and knowledge were handed down from parents to young ones, from family to family and, in some cases, from tribe to tribe, thus securing an important and vital link to the survival of our Indian people. (The Harvard Project 175)

Such an approach is foresighted because it allows the Native People in the us to include nature within their legacy and pass it through the generations as an asset. They may set an example for all developed countries to check out. Further in the text of his speech, Blazer adds,

Having returned to the reservation upon the attainment of my college degree, I was armed with the traditional knowledge of my people and also the academic knowledge of the non-Indian world. Using this in hand, I begun to tackle the natural resources issues that were facing my tribe. (The Harvard Project 175)

The extract demonstrates how the Indians of the twenty-first century integrate the knowledge of the mainstream culture (as well as its education) and combine it making use of their tribal knowledge in the most beneficiary way. Nevertheless, despite the rising education quality, in addition to college and university enrollment ( with the total of more than thirty high education facilities on the territories of in the Indian Country), it is still problematic for the Natives to acquire good education of the U.S. standard while maintaining their cultural relevance. Interestingly, the Indians have incorporated various other mainstream activities and economic enterprises into their economy and programs of the resource management. Inter alia, they have recognized tourism and similar activities as economically profitable; that’s the reason, they utilize the tribal landscape for outdoor-based recreational opportunities, such as excursions, skiing, golf courses, and rafting trips (The Harvard Project). It is an eloquent example of a conscientious approach to the use of natural resources in the twenty-first century.

Environment and Ecology

Another edge of the territorial issue and another major concern for the Indians is the environment protection and preservation. Since nature is a cyclic and enclosed organism where everything is interrelated, pollution and other ecological disasters seldom bear a local character. As a rule, they embrace large territories, including the lands of the Indians. It means that the Native People in the us have to deal with the consequences of the country-wide policies that cause harm to the natural environment. On the list of major problems that originated from the outside, as caused by the industrialization and other evils of civilization, there are the water pollution, military waste, decaying waste-handling facilities, mine tailing, deforestation, and consequent wildlife habitat loss.

The Native Americans lack financial resources, such as proper money for the environmental programs, and manpower to address all the issues. The Indians’ opportunities in legislation and enforcement of the environmental regulations and rules are, to a great, extent limited by the so-called checkerboarding in the distribution of the federal and local influence on particular territories (The Harvard Project 182). A full-fledged federal-tribal cooperation and coordination of efforts becomes necessary and yet unreached. On their part, the Indians do everything possible to ensure adequate environmental protection to their lands. For example, the White Mountain Apaches are mentoring youth; thus, they are preparing them for the future careers in the realm of environmental management. The tribe imposed a sales tax on the hunting and fishing permits, and a part of the tax revenue composes scholarships for young people who enroll and pursue the environmental degrees in college. Similarly, the Pueblo of Sandia in New Mexico involves students in learning to test the water quality, a practical skill needed within the framework of the Pueblo’s Water Quality Standards Program (The Harvard Project).

Cultural Assimilation or Cultural Adaptation

The Indian culture is richer than shown to an eye of an outsider or exposed at the museum exhibitions. Lots of the traditions are not passed or practiced openly. Instead, they take place in the Indian communities and families, local meetings, and holiday breaks. Nevertheless, the Indian rites and traditions are already not as rich as in the old times. The remains of the legends and stories are now passed orally or stored in the written or even typed form. Interestingly, the Indians’ official internet site has a rubric titled “Indigenous Peoples’ Literature” containing the preserved Native American folklore – a digitalized version of the legends, parables, and stories in English (“Native American History”). The languages are “vital receptacles of culture”, and English is not one of the Indians’ native tongues (The Harvard Project 272). Originally, there were hundreds of Native languages on the territory of the North America alone. Two to three hundreds of them have been lost. Some languages disappeared recently, including the Miluk language once spoken by the Coquille Tribe that died in the early 1970s with the death of its last bearer. Currently, their number is down to about 175 with only 20 being taught to young ones while English is becoming one of the languages spoken by the Indians (“Revitalizing Native Cultures”). The aforementioned website entry illustrates how the Indian tradition is trying to survive and how it is a subject to the influence of the outside culture (the English language) as well as its technology (internet site, digitalized library, on the list of other issues). In this manner, the distinction between the indigenous and mainstream culture is blurred.

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The impact associated with the mainstream American culture is evident in several other instances of the Indian cultural life. Inter alia, the Native People in the us take part in the competition Miss Indian USA coined after the original U.S. practice. On the one hand, one may view Miss Indian USA as a sign of cultural assimilation, through which an alien cultural pattern either substitutes the traditional Indian culture or modernizes it via adding new, previously unknown elements. On the other hand, one may regard the participation of the Indian women in competitions of this kind as a manifestation associated with the Native American presence as a cultural event that ought to be acknowledged by the mainstream culture. According to the official internet site, the Native American women who participate in the program embody the Indian charisma, as well as demonstrate the mix of traditional and contemporary values. Ironically, the slogan of Miss Indian USA expresses the current dilemma of the Native American people, in particular, women, “She walks in beauty, as she walks in two worlds” (“Miss Indian USA Scholarship”).

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The purpose of this report is always to recommend the greatest solutions to deal with the issue of teenage drinking. The audience for this report is teenagers and their parents. Centered on my research, I would suggest that it is vital to find solutions that will minimize cases of drinking on the list of teenagers.


Teenage drinking is a significant problem in public health. Secondly, alcohol is the most commonly used substance with harmful effects among teenagers, with a significant percent of the alcohol consumed in a form of binge drinking (Bonnie 8). Currently, some children as young as 12 years report that they have used alcohol, and by the age of 13-15 years, the number doubles. Notably, the world that the teenagers reside in has a significant influence on the decision that young people make regarding the drinking of alcohol (Castillo 10). Therefore, this circumstance implies that families, friends, schools, and also the whole society can influence the teens whether to start drinking alcohol early or delay until adulthood. For instance, in families in which alcohol drinking is common, the adolescents will probably start drinking alcohol at a early age. Moreover, teenagers with behavioral or family-based problems are at a higher risk of engaging in early drinking (Merrick, Tenenbaum and Mohammed 263). In addition, a common problem posed by teenage drinking, is binge drinking. This matter is a situation where adolescents consume roughly 5 drinks on a single occasion. It is a dangerous way that usually results in serious health problems and possible deaths (Bonnie 13).


Through research and evaluation, I have identified the following criteria, and I am optimistic that decision-makers will probably use to weigh possible solutions.

When looking at the consequences of teenage drinking, it really is evident that drunken teenagers pose a safety risk. Individual teenagers who drink alcohol are more likely to be involved in violent crimes and suicide attempts (Castillo 17). Also, there are some other risky behaviors that also associate with early drinking. Most of the people who start drinking alcohol before reaching their 21st birthday are more likely to have multiple sex partners and take part in unsafe sex (Merrick, Tenenbaum and Mohammed 263). As a result, these victims are at the risk of having unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Also, drinking is closely associated with sexual assaults, such as rape. In addition, there is a safety concern that underage drinking might cause other alcohol-related problems, for instance, addiction (Bonnie 30). Some victims become dependent on alcohol in their adulthood; this situation implies that it is challenging for these people to control their drinking habits. As such, alcohol becomes an interference to their normal social and work life (Castillo 21).

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Accidents and Possible Deaths

Alcohol drinking affects the ability of a young person to make sound decisions. As an example, after drinking, some teenagers do not remember the risks associated with driving under the influence of alcohol (Bonnie 43). The consequences is fatal injuries and possible death of a victim, and even for other people. To illustrate, a significant number of people who lose their lives in car accidents involving a drunken teenager are people other than the driver (Castillo 25). Also, statistics show tragic consequences of teenage drinking and driving. First, about 5,864 drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 were associated with fatal motor vehicle crashes in 2008 (Mendralla and Grosshandler 7). Secondly, in the same age bracket associated with fatal crashes in 2008, 31 percent of the drivers had been drinking. On the other hand, the number of teens associated with serious car accidents has increased to 27 percent from 1998 to 2008 (Mendralla and Grosshandler 9). Motor vehicle accidents remain a leading cause of death for teenagers. Therefore, this increase implies that issues related to teenage drinking and driving is a serious problem (Bonnie 45). On a similar note, although the age does not really determine the occurrence of an accident, the chances are much higher with a teen driver than an adult one in a vehicle. In addition to inexperience, drunken teenagers are at a greater risk to cause collisions (Mendralla and Grosshandler 9).

Possible Solutions

According to safety-based criteria, teenage drinking poses a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Because the issues linked to safety, such as sexual assaults, are thought by everybody in society, the solutions to prevent teenage drinking are not the sole responsibility of parents (Castillo 35). The larger community has an important role to play also. In particular, it requires a collaborative effort to manage the problem of underage drinking. Therefore, parents, teachers, and friends can have a significant impact on influencing the choices that teenagers will make in relation to drinking alcohol in order to decrease the probability of safety issues (Mendralla and Grosshandler 10). For instance, talking to teenagers openly about the risks and consequences about early drinking is vital. This approach may help the young people in delaying the ages at which they will take their first drink. As a result, open conversations may also decrease the chance of teenagers to become problematic drinkers in the adult life (Bonnie 67).

Secondly, families can assist in reducing safety concerns posed by teenage drinking by staying involved in the lives of their young ones. Such a circumstance implies that families, particularly parents, should pay attention to what is happening making use of their young ones (Valerie & Grosshandler 11). In this way, it will become better to determine whether they have started drinking or not. Moreover, when a parent realizes that a child has started to drink alcohol, it is important to initiate and facilitate open talks in a responsible manner (Egendorf 12). To be more precise, responsible taking does not involve judgmental lectures. In contrast, this method requires the parent to set clear expectations, control his or her emotions, and being open on experiences of alcohol drinking (Merrick, Tenenbaum and Mohammed 262). As a result, the teenagers will understand that engaging in drinking habits causes serious safety issues.

This solution involves the development of support and educational programs with the information about the risks related early alcohol drinking to young individuals (Egendorf 33). Support programs are useful when dealing with the teenagers that have started drinking alcohol. In practice, support programs create a friendly environment for dealing with adolescents: they provide an opportunity for young people to grow and explore their options without alcohol (Merrick, Tenenbaum and Mohammed 263). These methods also develop the awareness on the list of teenagers that alcohol drinking has unhealthy effects on their lives. In addition, because the effects of teenage drinking impact the whole community, sharing knowledge about the problem can be useful in preventing it. The community should help the young people understand the latest research and home elevators alcohol use among teenagers and also the detrimental effects of this habit (Schaefer 15).


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Accidents and possible death. On the other hand, considering the increased rate of accidents caused by drunken teenagers, the government should set laws that govern underage drinking. The legislation has to make it clear that it is illegal to sell alcohol to people not as much as 21 years (Egendorf 28). The law enforcers should also be able to arrest businessmen that sell alcohol to teenagers, along with juvenile drinkers and drunk drivers. Additionally, they have to trace the cases when adolescents drive under the influence of alcohol (Bonnie 65). Also, there is a need to develop policies that may help in reducing the problem. This includes policies that enhance age checks and limits for people buying alcohol (Egendorf 39). Moreover, those parents that influence their children’s involvement in drinking alcohol should be punished. Parents are supposed to be at the frontline to discourage drinking of alcohol on the list of teenagers.

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Conclusion and Recommendations

The increasing rate of teenage drinking implies that it really is time for the entire society to change the mindset and take actions in order to solve the problem. People should stop accepting the issue as a given and start helping the youth understand the harmful effects of alcohol drinking in their lives. Moreover, it is crucial that discussions on teenage drinking should be initiated early to influence the teenagers in making responsible decisions about drinking alcohol. In cases like this, although it takes time to encourage new attitudes on teenage drinking, it really is vital to keep sending the message that society does not support underage drinking.

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