Doggie Lama Is a Tale of Inspiration, Fate and Love.

Suzan and Nalla
It was 2008 and I had closed the special event company I had started in 1984. While contemplating my next career move, I volunteered at many wonderful Seattle organizations.
At Seattle Children’s Hospital my favorite “job” was assisting the young patients during their recreation time. The highlight was when the therapy dogs came to visit. These gentle, wise ambassadors of love brought immediate joy and comfort. I was deeply touched and awed by the powerful, positive impact these dogs made while visiting. I knew I wanted to pursue a way to work more in their company.
Fast forward to 2009. I was pursuing my interest and education of senior dogs through volunteering at the Seattle Humane Society. Getting older dogs adopted is a constant challenge for shelters. I decided to take the required training to become a foster pet parent and put my name on the active foster list as soon as I had completed the course. Within a day, I got a call that a new rescue needed 3 weeks of immediate housing to recover from dental surgery and I accepted. My clearest memory of the day was of a door opening and bounding straight for me was a large, panting bundle of blonde fluff named Nalla. The tale of inspiration, fate and love had a happy ending. I adopted Nalla and soon her peaceful, accepting and loving nature earned her the nickname Doggie Lama. And, the rest as they say, is history!

Nalla – The Doggie Lama
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The operational systems are professional and streamlined, ensuring clients easy, stress-free reservations, 24- hour communication access and simple, secure payment options. Whenever possible we try to use organic, green products from treats to toys. Being a sustainable and socially responsible company is best for the dogs and for the rest of us!
I am certified by Puget Sound Animal CPR & First Aid, I completed training through the Seattle Humane Society and I actively participate in continuing education classes in canine care and new health trends. But beyond any certification or training is the respect, compassion and gratitude I have in my heart for the gifts that dogs bring to my life. It is the recognition that their capacity for love is limitless.
What separates Doggie Lama from the pack-is our core belief in the importance of loyalty and the benefits derived from establishing one-on-one, long-lasting relationships with dogs and with their families. It is my chance to return the gift of unconditional love that had been given to me.
Doggie Lama Is a Proud Supporter Of The Following Organizations: